Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia

Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia

Social Science Perspectives

Edited by: Boyd Hunter, Nicholas Biddle

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Indigenous policy is a complex domain motivated by a range of social, cultural, political and economic issues. The Council of Australian Governments ‘closing the gaps’ agenda for addressing Indigenous disadvantage in Australia now includes six targets with well defined and measurable outcomes for policy action. In this context there is a continuing and pressing need for robust debate to understand how meaningful improvement in Indigenous outcomes might be achieved.

This monograph presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the 2011 CAEPR/ABS conference on ‘Social Science Perspectives on the 2008 National and Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Social Survey’. It is the fourth CAEPR monograph since 1992 to reflect on national surveys of Indigenous Australians. The conference covered topics including child development, crime and justice, culture, wellbeing, the customary economy, demography, education, employment, fertility, health, housing, income and financial stress, mobility, poverty, social exclusion, and substance abuse. The papers summarise the strengths and limitations of the 2008 NATSISS, discuss the types of policy-relevant questions it can inform, and consider future survey design.

A social survey such as the NATSISS can ultimately never tell those responsible for developing public policy what to do, but it can provide useful information to inform policy decisions. This volume will be useful for researchers and policy makers, and relevant to the wider national debate and, in particular, Indigenous communities and organisations.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Nov 2012
CAEPR Monograph No. 32
ANU Press
Centre for Indigenous Policy Research (CIPR)
Centre for Indigenous Policy Research (CIPR)
Social Sciences: Indigenous Studies, Social Policy & Administration, Statistics & Operational Research

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Survey Analysis for Indigenous Policy in Australia »

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Towards a broader understanding of Indigenous disadvantage (PDF, 135KB) – Boyd Hunter and Nicholas Biddle doi
  2. Mobile people, mobile measures: Limitations and opportunities for mobility analysis (PDF, 732KB) – John Taylor and Martin Bell doi
  3. Fertility and the demography of Indigenous Australians: What can the NATSISS 2008 tell us? (PDF, 398KB) – Kim Johnstone and Ann Evans doi
  4. Does the 2008 NATSISS underestimate the prevalence of high risk Indigenous drinking? (PDF, 175KB) – Tanya Chikritzhs and Wenbin Liang doi
  5. Improving Indigenous health: Are mainstream determinants sufficient? (PDF, 168KB) – Nicholas Biddle doi
  6. What shapes the development of Indigenous children? (PDF, 728KB) – Carrington Shepherd and Stephen R. Zubrick doi
  7. The benefits of Indigenous education: Data findings and data gaps (PDF, 210KB) – Nicholas Biddle and Timothy Cameron doi
  8. What are the factors determining Indigenous labour market outcomes? (PDF, 578KB) – Prem Thapa, Qasim Shah and Shafiq Ahmad doi
  9. The Indigenous hybrid economy: Can the NATSISS adequately recognise difference? (PDF, 1.4MB) – Jon Altman, Nicholas Biddle and Geoff Buchanan doi
  10. Is Indigenous poverty different from other poverty? (PDF, 562KB) – Boyd Hunter doi
  11. Is there a cultural explanation for Indigenous violence? A second look at the NATSISS (PDF, 185KB) – Don Weatherburn and Lucy Snowball doi
  12. NATSISS crowding data: What does it assume and how can we challenge the orthodoxy? (PDF, 2.1MB) – Paul Memmott, Kelly Greenop, Andrew Clarke, Carroll Go-Sam, Christina Birdsall-Jones, William Harvey-Jones, Vanessa Corunna and Mark Western doi
  13. Do traditional culture and identity promote the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians? Evidence from the 2008 NATSISS (PDF, 279KB) – Alfred Michael Dockery doi
  14. A mile wide, inch deep: The future for Indigenous social surveys? (PDF, 176KB) – Matthew Gray doi

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