Edited by: Crystal McKinnon, Ben Silverstein
This volume opens with Joakim Goldhahn, Sally May, and Jeffrey Lee’s study of renowned Badmardi artist Nayombolmi, best known for his rock art but here considered as an artist who produced a number of bark paintings for collectors in the 1950s and 1960s. They show us how his representation of public stories of Spirit or Ancestral Beings emerges from a negotiation between the artist, collectors, and dealers, shaping the forms in which he shared Badmardi story.
The following two articles take up the theme of negotiation in contexts of segregation. Sam Furphy describes Yorta Yorta memory activism relating to Queen Elizabeth II’s visit to Yorta Yorta Country in 1954, considering memories of the fence that was erected to place Yorta Yorta people beyond the Queen’s view and prevent any direct relationship between peoples. Cameron Raynes continues to study segregation by considering the disastrous health impacts of the colour bar that excluded Aboriginal people of the Point Pearce Station from the nearby Wallaroo and Maitland Hospitals in the early-mid twentieth century.
The next articles turn to relationships between Aboriginal people and colonists in Queensland. In a collaboratively written article, Alice Buhrich, Lewis Richards, Brian Bing, Jimmy Richards, Sharon Prior, Jenny Lacey, Tania Casey and Megan Mosquito narrate a history of past and ongoing Ewamian resistance to European invasion that stands in stark contrast to myths of Ewamian disappearance. Rebeka Manning and Sally Babidge read archives of Queensland pastoral stations for traces of Aboriginal women’s and girls’ domestic service, taking these hints as occasions for Aboriginal storytelling.
The final article, co-authored by members of the Aboriginal History Archive Will Bracks, Coen Brown, Clare Land, Gary Foley, John Hawkes, Kim Kruger, Rochelle le Pere, Natasha Ritchie and Shannon Woodcock, describes the work of that archive to produce a historical understanding that can provide the basis for describing and enacting Aboriginal self-determination.
The volume also includes a series of book reviews, as well as reflections on the life and work of Niel Gunson and Gordon Briscoe, two key figures in Aboriginal History whose influence is evident throughout these pages.