Telling Pacific Lives

Telling Pacific Lives

Prisms of Process

Edited by: Brij V. Lal, Vicki Luker

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How are Pacific lives imagined, written and read? How are they refracted through prisms of process? From legends about culture heroes to biographies of national leaders, from tales of ancestors to stories of contemporary men and women, from lives told of both the famous and the nameless, this collection of essays — by historians and anthropologists, Islanders and Island scholars — probes questions of personhood, identity, memory, and time across the sweep of the Pacific, as well as practical issues of research and writing.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Jun 2008
ANU Press
Arts & Humanities: Biography & Autobiography, Cultural Studies, History; Social Sciences: Anthropology
Australia; Pacific: Cook Islands, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Tuvalu, Solomon Islands

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Telling Pacific Lives »

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To copy a chapter DOI link, right-click (on a PC) or control+click (on a Mac) and then select ‘Copy link location’.

  1. Telling Pacific Lives: From Archetype to Icon (PDF, 218KB)Niel Gunson doi
  2. The Kila Wari Stories: Framing a Life and Preserving a Cosmology (PDF, 1.2MB)Deborah Van Heekeren doi
  3. From ‘My Story’ to ‘The Story of Myself’—Colonial Transformations of Personal Narratives among the Motu-Koita of Papua New Guinea (PDF, 176KB)Michael Goddard doi
  4. Mobility, Modernisation and Agency: The Life Story of John Kikang from Papua New Guinea (PDF, 891KB)Wolfgang Kempf doi
  5. Surrogacy and the Simulacra of Desire in Heian Japanese Women’s Life Writing (PDF, 167KB)Christina Houen doi
  6. ‘The Story that Came to Me’: Gender, Power and Life History Narratives—Reflections on the Ethics of Ethnography in Fiji (PDF, 132KB)Pauline McKenzie Aucoin doi
  7. A Tartan Clan in Fiji: Narrating the Coloniser ‘Within’ the Colonised (PDF, 155KB)Lucy de Bruce doi
  8. Telling Lives in Tuvalu (PDF, 144KB)Michael Goldsmith doi
  9. My History: My Calling (PDF, 207KB)Alaima Talu doi
  10. Researching, (W)riting, Releasing, and Responses to a Biography of Queen Salote of Tonga (PDF, 137KB)Elizabeth Wood-Ellem doi
  11. On Being a Participant Biographer: The Search for J.W. Davidson (PDF, 171KB)Doug Munro doi
  12. ‘You Did What, Mr President!?!?’ Trying to Write a Biography of Tosiwo Nakayama (PDF, 175KB)David Hanlon doi
  13. Telling the Life of A.D. Patel (PDF, 184KB)Brij V. Lal doi
  14. On Writing a Biography of William Pritchard (PDF, 143KB)Andrew E. Robson doi
  15. Writing the Colony: Walter Edward Gudgeon in the Cook Islands, 1898 to 1909 (PDF, 136KB)Graeme Whimp doi
  16. An Accidental Biographer? On Encountering, Yet Again, the Ideas and Actions of J.W. Burton (PDF, 146KB)Christine Weir doi
  17. E.W.P. Chinnery: A Self-Made Anthropologist (PDF, 174KB)Geoffrey Gray doi
  18. Lives Told: Australians in Papua and New Guinea (PDF, 246KB)Hank Nelson doi
  19. Biography of a Nation: Compiling a Historical Dictionary of the Solomon Islands (PDF, 169KB)Clive Moore doi

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