Tides of Innovation in Oceania

Tides of Innovation in Oceania

Value, materiality and place

Edited by: Elisabetta Gnecchi-Ruscone, Anna Paini

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Tides of Innovation in Oceania is directly inspired by Epeli Hau‘ofa’s vision of the Pacific as a ‘Sea of Islands’; the image of tides recalls the cyclical movement of waves, with its unpredictable consequences. The authors propose tides of innovation as a fluid concept, unbound and open to many directions. This perspective is explored through ethnographic case studies centred on deeply elaborated analyses of locally inflected agencies involved in different transforming contexts. Three interwoven themes—value, materiality and place—provide a common thread.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Apr 2017
ANU Press
Monographs in Anthropology
Arts & Humanities: Cultural Studies, History, Linguistics; Social Sciences: Anthropology, Indigenous Studies
Pacific: Fiji, New Caledonia, Vanuatu

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Tides of Innovation in Oceania »

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Part One. Mapping Materiality in Time and Place

  1. Alterity and Autochthony: Austronesian Cosmographies of the Marvellous (PDF, 0.2MB)Marshall Sahlins doi
  2. Moving Objects: Reflections on Oceanic Collections (PDF, 0.6MB)Margaret Jolly doi
  3. Kanak Engraved Bamboos: Stories of the Past, Stories of the Present (PDF, 1.1MB)Roberta Colombo Dougoud doi
  4. Re-dressing Materiality: Robes Mission from ‘Colonial’ to ‘Cultural’ Object, and Entrepreneurship of Kanak Women in Lifou (PDF, 1.2MB)Anna Paini doi

Part Two. Value and Agency: Local Experiences in Expanded Narratives

  1. Kanak Women on the Move in Contemporary New Caledonia (PDF, 0.2MB)Marie-Claire Beboko-Beccalossi doi
  2. A Fat Sow Named Skulfi: ‘Expensive’ Words in Dobu Island Society (PDF, 0.3MB)Susanne Kuehling doi
  3. Development, Tourism and Commodification of Cultures in Vanuatu (PDF, 0.2MB)Marc Tabani doi
  4. Diversification of Foods and their Values: Pacific Foodscapes (PDF, 0.3MB)Nancy J. Pollock doi
  5. The Innovation of Tradition: Reflections on the Ebb and Flow of Heritage Regimes in Fiji (PDF, 0.3MB)Guido Carlo Pigliasco doi

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