Lilith: A Feminist History Journal: Number 26

Lilith: A Feminist History Journal: Number 26

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The 2020 issue of Lilith features research on a range of feminist history topics, including an exploration of the performativity of temperance activist Bessie Harrison Lee; a critique of how colonial women are represented in Australian museums; a discussion of representations of motherhood in digital archives; a reconceptualisation of the radical nature of women’s political history; an investigation of the role that dress played in encouraging community acceptance of early women preachers in Australia; an inquiry into how fat bodies became a site of resistance of gender norms among rural women in interwar Western Australia; a study of women’s presence on plantations in colonial north Queensland; a survey of ‘moral treatment’ of puerperal insanity among female patients at Fremantle Lunatic Asylum; and an analysis of the coercion of women into domestic service in interwar Britain.


ISSN (online):
Publication date:
Oct 2020
ANU Press
Lilith: A Feminist History Journal
Arts & Humanities: History; Social Sciences: Gender Studies

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Lilith: A Feminist History Journal: Number 26 »

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