Jan Pakulski

Jan Pakulski, MA (Warsaw), PhD (ANU), is Professor of Sociology at the University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, and Fellow at the Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality. Migrated to Australia in 1975; 1998-2001 Head of School of Sociology and SW, UTAS; 2001-8 Dean of Arts, UTAS. He is the author, co-author or editor 8 books and over 100 scholarly articles on elites, democratization, multiculturalism, post-communism, social movements, and social inequality. His books include Elite Recruitment in Australia (Canberra: ANU Press, 1982), Social Movements: The Politics of Moral Protest, (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire 1991); Postmodernization with S. Crook and M. Waters (London: Sage 1992, Chinese translation 1994); The Death of Class, with M. Waters (London: Sage 1996); Postcommunist Elites and Democracy in Eastern Europe with J.Higley and W.Wesolowski (London: Macmillan 1998); Ebbing of the Green Tide? Environmentalism, Public Opinion and the Media in Australia (Hobart: University of Tasmania, 1998); Globalizing Inequalities (Sydney: Allen and Unwin, 200); Toward Leader Democracy (New York and London: Anthem Press, 2012). Co-winner of Henry Mayer Prize for the best political science article published in Australia (1999) and winner of the Stephen Crook Memorial Prize for the Best Authored Book in Australian Sociology 2004-5 (Globalising Inequalities).