Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform
Please note: This journal ceased publishing in 2021.
Agenda is a peer-reviewed, ECONLIT-indexed and RePEc-listed journal of the College of Business and Economics, The Australian National University. Launched in 1994, Agenda provides a forum for debate on public policy, mainly (but not exclusively) in Australia and New Zealand. It deals largely with economic issues, but gives space to social and legal policy and also to the moral and philosophical foundations and implications of policy. It provides a forum for scholarly debate on government economic and social policy in Australia and its region.
Ownership and management
Agenda was launched in 1994 by the College of Business and Economics, The Australian National University, and the College has since then paid for all of its editorial expenses. So the College may be considered the effective proprietor of Agenda. Its production – both electronic and hard copy – is managed by ANU Press.
Publishing schedule
Agenda is published once per year.
Agenda is an open-access journal, available from ANU Press. Individual print-on-demand copies are also available from ANU Press.
Copyright and licensing
All issues published from Volume 26(1) onwards are published under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Issues published previous to this are under a standard copyright licence. Authors retain copyright of articles published in this journal.
Author fees
Authors are not charged a fee to submit to or publish in Agenda.
Peer review process
All submissions to Agenda (apart from reviews) are refereed. This peer-review process is at a minimum ‘single blind’, but wherever practical ‘double blind’.
Process for identification of and dealing with allegations of research misconduct
If the Editor receives a credible allegation of misconduct by an author, reviewer or editor, then they have a duty to investigate the matter, in consultation with the College and Editorial Board.
Publication ethics
Authors may be asked to confirm that any ethically contestable dimension of their research was approved by an independent ethics review process within their institution, or as conforming to their national standards for research ethics. If necessary, documented evidence of ethics approval may be asked for. Plagiarism and fraud are not tolerated by the journal and would be dealt with under the ‘research misconduct’ guidelines above.
Duties/responsibilities of authors
To obtain permission for any copyright material, and ensure that the research was conducted in accordance with appropriate ethical guidelines and is their own work, unless otherwise acknowledged.
Duties/responsibilities of editors
To publish material suitable for Agenda in a timely manner and to freely make that material available to readers globally. Editors should guard against, and report, any suspicion of academic malpractice.
Duties/responsibilities of reviewers
To provide a clear and justified recommendation on the suitability of the manuscript for publication in the journal. Reviewers are encouraged to provide feedback to contributing authors in the spirit of supporting and encouraging improvements to their academic skills.
Board members
The journal has an Editorial Committee, composed of senior persons in academia and government service. Its current membership is:
- Professor Harry Clarke, University of Melbourne
- Professor Max Corden, University of Melbourne
- Dr Anne Daly, University of Canberra
- Professor Kevin Davis, University of Melbourne
- Professor Henry Ergas, University of Wollongong
- Dr Stephen Grenville, Lowy Institute, Sydney
- Dr Arthur Grimes, Motu Research, Wellington
- Dr Kim Hawtrey, Nimble Economics
- Professor Doug Irwin, Dartmouth College
- Dr Gary Johns, Australian Institute for Progress
- Professor Tony Makin, Griffith University
- Dr Deborah Peterson, Crawford School, ANU
- Professor David Vines, Balliol College, Oxford
- Dr Ruth Williams, La Trobe University
Authors are invited to submit articles, notes or book reviews, but are encouraged to discuss their ideas with the Editor beforehand. All manuscripts are subject to a refereeing process.
Agenda does not charge authors a submission fee.

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 8, Number 4, 2001 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 7, Number 1, 2000 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 7, Number 2, 2000 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 7, Number 3, 2000 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 7, Number 4, 2000 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 6, Number 1, 1999 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 6, Number 2, 1999 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 6, Number 3, 1999 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 6, Number 4, 1999 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 5, Number 1, 1998 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 5, Number 2, 1998 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 5, Number 3, 1998 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 5, Number 4, 1998 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 4, Number 1, 1997 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 4, Number 2, 1997 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 4, Number 3, 1997 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 4, Number 4, 1997 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 3, Number 1, 1996 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 3, Number 2, 1996 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 3, Number 3, 1996 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 3, Number 4, 1996 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 2, Number 1, 1995 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 2, Number 2, 1995 »

Agenda - A Journal of Policy Analysis and Reform: Volume 2, Number 3, 1995 »